Welcome to Crest Consulting, Coaching, & Training

The following list provides you with where we have concentrated our efforts since 1987:

  • Accountability and Responsibility
  • Business Success
  • Body Language – How to Read
  • Change Management
  • Coaching, Counseling, and Mentoring
  • Conflict Management
  • Customer Service
  • Decision Making
  • Delegating
  • Difficult People – How to Cope
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Fatal Flaw Elimination
  • Goal Setting
  • Influence and Power – Applying them to insure success
  • Leadership
  • Learning / Thinking Styles
  • Management Skills
  • Marketing
  • Meetings – How to improve
  • Motivation
  • Negotiating
  • Performance Management
  • Personality Styles
  • Presentation Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Relationship Building
  • Results Orientation
  • Sales Skills
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention
  • Strategic Planning
  • Stress Management
  • Team Building
  • Team Leading
  • Time Management

We do a combination of Consulting, Coaching, and Training, depending on the needs of the business.

Content copyright 2009-2012. Crest Consulting, Coaching, & Training. All rights reserved.

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